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Happy Quarantine-iversary How to Celebrate Positives During Chaos

Aka Landschoot • Mar 01, 2021

Happy Quarantine-iversary! How to Celebrate the Positives That Arose from the Chaos.

It’s been a year since life as we knew it imploded, leaving us scrambling to keep up with the new rules and restrictions left in its wake. Let’s be honest; this is an anniversary none of us feel like celebrating. And even if we did, we still can’t throw a party anyway.

In the past, we’ve expended effort to nurture our relationships, willing them to blossom into something wonderful—something worth celebrating at least once a year. When it came to quarantine, we wanted to initiate a break-up the moment it arrived. And we wished it away over too many glasses of wine and bags of potato chips.

While the pandemic stole many of our liberties—like the ability to hug our loved ones, walk through a store unmasked, and enjoy dining in a restaurant with friends—it hasn’t been all bad.

Quarantine has forced us to slow down and appreciate things many of us didn’t have time to enjoy previously, like spending time with family, cooking healthy meals, and getting outside to exercise. See, it hasn’t been ALL bad!

As we celebrate our quarantine-iversary, let’s take a moment to look back and appreciate all the pros that have come from this difficult time. Here are five important positives that came out of a pretty bleak year:

  1.  Uninterrupted Family Time Remember all those times you had to say “no” to your children’s pleas to play? As annoying as it was, lockdown provided us with a great gift—the ability to finally say “yes.” As our work lives shifted to makeshift home offices and our kids’ schools moved to the kitchen table, we were forced to be together 24-7. The time we once wasted on commuting and shuttling kids to school and sports could now be spent playing board games, eating as a family, or taking afternoon naps together on the couch.
  2. Opportunities to Cook Healthy Meals Having more free time has also allowed us to spend more time experimenting in the kitchen. While pre-pandemic us may have turned to mac and cheese or a frozen pizza for a quick dinner on busy nights, the quarantined us have had plenty of time to learn new, healthier recipes. Whether it was the Instagram-famous veggie rice balls or the sourdough bread, people spent weeks getting right, most of us enjoyed having extra time to create tasty meals at home.
  3. Boosting our Workout Routine When gyms closed a year ago, we were forced to take our health into our own hands (and feet). While many of us rejoiced in having a legitimate excuse to forgo a workout, it didn’t take long for our bodies to crave more exercise.

We learned the importance of sticking to a fitness routine and continuing with important regimes of stretching to reduce tension and keep our joints moving well. Online classes and virtual classes offered by The Vital Stretch helped us stay limber.

Good weather forced us outside to breathe in fresh air (a.k.a. forest bathing) and escape the confines of our homes. This, in turn, enhanced our moods as well as our physical health, something which has been proven time and again, most recently in a study published in the Journal Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine.

  1. Instituting Tech-Free Hours Children’s screen time has nearly doubled during the pandemic, and ours isn’t far behind. Instituting breaks from technology can help us to destress, improve our focus, and increase happiness. Instead of spending all of our time online, we’ve learned to occupy ourselves in fun, old-fashioned ways. A resurgence in puzzle-building, for instance, has been noticed over the past year. Coloring books and paint-by-number kits (for adults as well as kids) can also help us relax and train our brains. Not a fan of time-consuming crafts? Play a board game, break out the cards, or have a dance party in your living room.
  2. Reconnecting with old Friends Despite being isolated, quarantine has, ironically, caused us to become more social with old friends, albeit from a distance. With so much extra time and an impressive array of technology on hand, reconnecting has never been easier. Whether we write long letters (remember how exciting it was to receive mail), spend time catching up on Zoom, or gab for hours on the landline, rekindling old friendships is both soothing and rewarding.

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